At Bonhoeffer's Cafe & Espresso, we proudly serve our Direct Trade coffee, roasted in-house. We purchase our coffee through a sourcer that has direct relations with the farmers. Direct trade creates mutually beneficial and respectful relationships with the farmers who harvest our coffee beans. The farmers receive the maximum return on their product, changing their families' and communities' lives in the process. Not only does the purchase of our raw, green, pre-roasted coffee beans impact lives globally, but profits from Bonhoeffer's roasted coffee go to our sister non-profit organization, Hope and Life for Kids - dedicated to bringing hope, life, and love to children internationally.
At Bonhoeffer's, we are intentional in setting aside funds from EVERY CUP to be used to bring Hope and Life to kids around the world. Our pledge is that profits from Bonhoeffer's Cafe will be used to provide food, housing, medical supplies and educational opportunities for orphans and refugees from impoverished and developing nations. Additionally, profits from Bonhoeffer's Cafe have gone to organizations in our local community, such as the NH Rescue Mission and the Nashua Soup Kitchen. For more information and pictures, please see our COFFEE PROJECTS. For our past international projects, please visit www.hopeandlifekids.org
“Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.”
(603) 883-6879
Downtown Nashua; Adjacent to Gate City Church
8 Franklin St
Nashua, NH 03064
Parking lot available for customers
Tues-Sat 7am–2pm
Sun-Mon Closed
Mobile ordering - temporarily unavailable
Since 2014, we have been carefully roasting our coffee in-house to ensure the best tasting experience. We purchase coffee using direct-trade, where we purchase from a sourcer that has direct relations with the farmers. In this way, our coffee sourcer ensures that the farmers receive the all profits they have rightfully earned. At Bonhoeffer's Cafe, we have selected the best quality beans with great flavor profiles that duals as a way to support farmers internationally.
Medium roast with a medium body.
FLAVOR PROFILE: Chocolate, toffee and praline notes with hints of bing cherry and lemon.
Medium/Dark roast; Voted #1 coffee three times in Uganda at the AFCA Taste of Harvest Competition
In a region once stricken with illness caused by fouled water, Mt Elgon Kapchorwa was revived with freshwater wells and given a chance at a sustainable and hopeful future. Kabum Coffee International integrated outstanding coffee farming practices in this region, and since then has produced some of the greatest coffee in Uganda. Because of their coffee sales, families are now flourishing and the children of this generation are able to go to university.
Founded by the project 23 Women : Check out their video!
NON PROFIT ASSOCIATION: 23 Women / Kabum Coffee International
FLAVOR PROFILE: Full body, notes of chocolate and citrus, with a clean, smooth finish
Light/Medium roast. Comes from the Yirgacheffe region. All of the coffee is hand-picked. No chemicals or herbicides are used. The washing plants are supplied by hundreds of farmers who walk to the washing plant carrying the coffee in baskets or sacks. Their farms are very small, most are 1 hectare or less.
NON PROFIT ASSOCIATION: Dominion Trading Company, partnered with New Covenant Foundation which provides ministry and discipleship, support of Ethiopian led health education, HIV-AIDS, childcare, and maternal care, nutrition, water purification, and more.
FLAVOR PROFILE: Aroma of milk chocolate, sweet lemon, the cup having medium body and a well-rounded lemon and citrus flavor with just the right amount of chocolate. The coffee finishes smooth with the desire for another cup.
Through your coffee purchases, both brewed cups and bagged pounds of coffee, we have been able to impact lives both around the world and in our local community. Here are some of our current projects!
SUMMER 2016: In Jamaica, one of the primary sources of fresh water is through rain water collection systems such as the one at the Christian School for the Deaf. The schools water system had fallen into disrepair, and was not being used to its fullest potential. To fix that, a team from Hope & Life for Kids built sheet-metal rooftops to direct water into pvc gutters. These gutters would then collect into the separate water tanks around the campus. The team then designed some simple diy solutions like toilet brushes and screens to help catch any large debris which might collect in the gutters and contaminate drinking water. They also built a set of float switches that would help maximize the amount of water that goes into each of the tanks.
CURRENT PROJECT: Through your coffee purchases, Hope & Life has been able to pull women out of the hopeless cycle of human trafficking. The lives of these young women are now filled with hope and the doorway to a bright future.
CURRENT: Through your coffee purchases, Hope & Life is able to give monthly support to two orphanages in Myanmar. These children are given abundant love by their caretakers. Most recently, one of the orphanages was able to be restored and renovated!
Check out this video by (re)vive!
GUATEMALA // (re)vive
CURRENT PROJECT: Through your coffee purchases, we are able to support (re)vive Guatemala: a non-profit organization dedicated to reviving communities in Guatemala through education, wellness, and work - ultimately for the people to attain their goals toward a better and brighter future. For more information and to support this organization, please visit www.reviveguate.com or check out their Facebook page: Revive Guatemala.
Through your coffee purchases, Bonhoeffer's Cafe has been able to support the following organizations in Southern New Hampshire: